So you're saying that if someone steals your phone, they can simply get into your phone to use your authentication app? Do you not have a passcode or biometric recognition on your phone?
As for logging in every time on a single device in a single location, your complaint ignores the millions of users who log in from several devices in potentially many locations. Your complaint is personal, not universal.
There are certainly weaknesses and inconveniences in current security methods. Our critical data is held by institutions and companies that have to secure the data of millions of different users, each of whom has different skill levels and uses their accounts with different devices in different circumstances. I was disappointed to come to the abrupt end of your article and see no proposed solution to the problem. I'd just wasted my time listening to a rant. You're certainly free to complain, but without some ideas on how to solve the problem, that's all it is, a rant.